This is a recreation of the MyFitnessPal app from Under Armour that was made as a fun side project. This was created using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack. Users can input their weight loss goals, track their calorie intake, and chart their progress.
Mixed Drinks
Search for a drink, and view the ingredients and measurements for it. You can also save the drink to 'favorites' to come back to it later. Built in React.
Quiz App
Quiz app using the Reavealing Module pattern, made with pure JavaScript (zero libraries or frameworks).
React News App
This is an app built in React using the Hacker News API. You can search and filter by keywords and have unlimited pages. I learned how to use props and state to render UI changes and how to call API's using React. I also use destructuring to clean up the code.
My Metro-Bus
I made this app so I would not be late catching the metro to work :). This app is made using two API's. I used the Here API (instead of the standard Google Maps API) and the WMATA DC Metro API. The user is able to refresh the markers by clicking the map.
I wanted to create something that looked refined, and minimalistic. I used a simple color palette that is easy on the eyes and looks sleek.
I used CSS without bootstrap for the animations, and used my knowledge of color theory to make the design feel friendly and inviting.